14. Change event producer config settings#




In a previous ADR, we set the structure for the event bus producing configuration to a dictionary like the following:

 { 'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.published.v1': [
        {'topic': 'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle', 'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': True},
        {'topic': 'content-authoring-xblock-published', 'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False},
    'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.deleted.v1': [
        {'topic': 'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle', 'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': True},

While attempting to implement this for edx-platform, we came across some problems with using this structure. In particular, it results in ambiguity because maintainers can accidentally add something like {'topic': 'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle', 'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': True} and {'topic': 'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle', 'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False} to the same event_type. Moreover, enabling/disabling an existing event/topic pair requires reaching into the structure, searching for the dictionary with the correct topic, and modifying the existing object, which is awkward.

This ADR aims to propose a new structure that will provide greater flexibility in using this configuration.


The new EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG will have the following configuration format:

# .. setting_name: EVENT_BUS_PRODUCER_CONFIG
# .. setting_default: {}
# .. setting_description: Dictionary of event_types to dictionaries for topic related configuration.
#    Each topic configuration dictionary uses the topic as a key and contains a flag called `enabled`
#    denoting whether the event will be and `event_key_field` which is a period-delimited string path
#    to event data field to use as event key.
#    Note: The topic names should not include environment prefix as it will be dynamically added based on
    'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.published.v1': {
        'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle': {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': False},
        'content-authoring-xblock-published': {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': True}
    'org.openedx.content_authoring.xblock.deleted.v1': {
        'content-authoring-xblock-lifecycle': {'event_key_field': 'xblock_info.usage_key', 'enabled': True},

A new merge_producer_configs method will be added to openedx-events.event_bus to make it easier to correctly determine the config map from multiple sources.


  • As long as the implementing IDA calls merge_producer_configs, maintainers can add existing topics to new event_types without having to recreate the whole dictionary

  • There is no ambiguity about whether an event/topic pair is enabled or disabled